
Zip Files of Other Cards for Download:
[Still in the process of uploading associated files]
Alexander Ovechkin
Ovi has a manufacturing defect with his swatch [it didn't come off when I lightly brushed my finger against it, I didn't want to cause more damage]
This is in addition to similar wear along the edges like the other cards.
Markus Naslund
Another example of typical damage found on all of the cards
Ron Hextall
Wear marks along along edges of front and back of card.  The goalie cards are my favorite and I like to display them in nice holders and show my friends.  These are not nice cards that I can show to my friends.  I like Ron becuase he is a Flyer AND a GOALIE.  [I live near Philly]
Henrik Lundqvist
Minor Wear along the edges [visible on the back]
Henrik [and Ron] were on the card I had been hoping to get in my packs, or at least trade the cards I did get for someone who has one.  These cards are not tradable in this condition and if  I had know the cards were all rubbed off like this, I would not have wanted the 12 Goalie card to begin with.  It seems like all of the cards are damaged from this series. 
Paint Chips along edges
Ville Leion
Wear on edges of card back
Marty and Friends
Worn Down Corners
I like Marty too because he is a goalie.  [He was on the card I wanted to get too] This card would have been nice because his firiends are on the card with him and their outfits are the right color.  [Sometimes the outfit cards have pieces of an outfit which were from a different team then the one they are on in the card.  This one was not like that.]
Even the gold foil on some of the cards showed wear from handling:
Larry Robinson
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